Mission: The American Jewish Committee (AJC), www.ajc.org established in 1906 by a small group of American Jews deeply concerned about pogroms aimed at Russian Jews, determined that the best way to protect Jewish populations in danger would be to work towards a world in which all peoples were accorded respect and dignity. Over 100 years later, AJC continues its efforts to promote pluralistic and democratic societies where all minorities are protected. AJC is an international think tank and advocacy organization that attempts to identify trends and problems early - and take action. AJC's approach, tackling a breadth of interests in a deliberate and diplomatic manner, contributes to a success that gains trust, earns access, and, most importantly, produces results.
Financial Efficiency Evaluation: According to Charity Navigator (http://www.charitynavigator.org/),
Overall Rating: 4 stars ****
Organizational Efficiency: Efficiency Rating 3 stars**
Program Expenses: 80.9%
Administrative Expenses: 7.6%
Fundraising Expenses: 11.3%
Fundraising Efficiency: $0.09 (AJC spends $0.09 to raise $1)
Organizational Capacity: Capacity Rating 4 stars***
Primary Revenue Growth: 16.2%
Program Expenses Growth: 9.8%
Working Capital Ratio (years): 1.71
(AJC can sustain itself for 1.71 years without
generating new revenue.)
Organizational Capacity refers to an organization’s ability to
sustain itself over time. Charities that exhibit consistent
revenue and expenses growth are more likely to sustain its
programs and services over the long haul.
AJC has net assets of $109,658,730. Compensation for
its Executive Director, David Harris, was $432,988 which
represents 0.90% of expenses. For comparison purposes,
compensation for the President of the American Jewish
World Service (AJWS), Ruth Messinger, was $191,000
which represents 0.79% of expenses. Percentage wise, these are very low figures.
Recent News: AJC Expressed Grief and Outrage Over Mumbai Terrorist Attacks: The AJC has longstanding relationships with the government and people of India and the Indian-American community, through our office in Mumbai and our network of offices across the United States. We stand in solidarity with the government and people of
At this dark hour, we reaffirm our determination to continue our work to combat hatred and intolerance throughout the world. “This is
Recommendations: The AJC has received the highest overall rating, four stars, from Charity Navigator. It has a high working capital ratio, 1.71 years, and is well positioned to carry on its work during the present economic downturn. For comparison purposes, Amnesty International, another non-profit that works to support human rights, has received a two star overall rating from Charity Navigator.
Next Week’s Blog: The Abraham Fund Initiatives